Basic Unix Commands for Tibco Admin

How will you find which operating system your system isrunning on in UNIX?

"uname" -a

How do you find which process is taking how much CPU?

"top" command.

How do you check how much space left in current drive ?

"df" command

For example"df -h ." will list how full your current drive is.

How do you check if a particular process is listening on aparticular port on remote host?

"telnet" command .

Example “telnethostname port”, if it able to successfully connect then some process islistening on that port. To read more about telnet read networking command inUNIX

How do you find whether your system is 32 bit or 64 bit ?

Either by using "uname -a" command or by using"arch" command.

How do you find for how many days your Server is up?

"uptime" command

What are the diffrent flavours avilable in Unix?

Linux .. Red Hat Linux ... Solaris ... HPUX...IBM and AIX

How do you find which remote hosts are connecting to yourhost on a particular port say 10123?

"netstat" command

execute netstat -a | grep"port" and it will list the entire host which is connected to thishost on port 10123.

How to find the port is used or free ?

netstat -an | grep :687

How do you see command line history in UNIX?

Very useful indeed, use history command along with grepcommand in unix to find any relevant command you have already executed. Purposeof this Unix Command Interview Questions is probably to check how familiarcandidate is from available tools in UNIX operation system.

How do you know if a remote host is alive or not?

You can check these by using either ping or telnet commandin UNIX. This question is most asked in various Unix command Interview becauseits most basic networking test anybody wants to do it.

what is the command used to run the process in backgroud ?

to log the out of that process

nohup ./

what is the useof zip command?

this is used to 'zip' the directories or folder forthisinput file is 'tarfile'.syntax: gzip director.tar ex: gzip abc.tar 19

How do you schedule a jobs ?

'crontab' command

is a scheduler which is used to schedule any job at anytime around the year.syntax: crontab -l (listing the scheduler)ex:crontab -e(to edit and modify any changes in the scheduer

If i want to change the permission . what is the command i need to use?

Chmod a+rwx filename

If i want to copy a file what is the command i need to use?

cp fie1 file2

If i want to search a file from a folder what is the commandi need to use?

ls dirname/filename

If i want to read last 200 line from a file what is thecommand i need to use?

tail -200f filename

If i want to edit a file How can you do it ?

vi <<filename>>

How do you check an Application name"mobilepayment" is up and running ?

ps -ef | grep "mobilepayment"

How do you stop the runningprocess ?

firstyou need to get the PID by using ps -ef |grep "mobilepayment" then use

kill PID
kill-9 PID

How do you check the virtual memory statistics of your CPU ?

vmstat reports information about processes, memory, paging, block IO, traps, and cpu activity.

The first report produced gives averages since the last reboot. Addi- tional reports give information on a sampling period of length delay. The process and memory reports are instantaneous in either case.

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