Tibco BusinessWorks FAQ

How to choose SOAP/HTTP or SOAP/JMS as transport for exposing a service?

         SOAP Over Jms benefits
  • When using notifications (with for example using WS-Notification), you can use transaction functionality of JMS. Including the option to use XA transactions.
  • When you use a message broker the implementation of message routing is easier with JMS.
  • Monitoring of messages is easier as EMS (or other JMS implementations) have build-in monitoring functionality.
  • High volume transaction support using queues.
  • Implementation of fail-over in EMS is much easier when compared to HTTP as your transport layer is not tied to the machine your application is running in.
  • Simultaneous one way request can be send to multiple servers using Topic
        SOAP Over Http benefits 
      It has better performance than soap over JMS.

Which of the following activity can be used to host the WSDL file ?

SOAP Event Source  , Service Agent Activity

The Generic Adapter Configuration supports which three adapter services? (Choose three.)?

Publication, Subscription, Request-Response 

You wish to configure authentication for connections to an external web service. Which shared resources should you use?

 HTTPS , JMS or Policy activities.

You wish to detect changes to a file and start processes when these changes occur. Which Active Matrix BusinessWorks activity should you use?

 File Poller Activity

Which group is used to synchronize different process instances?

 Critical section Group

Which activity allows the client to access WSDL for web service?

Soap request\reply

Can transaction group commit automatically if all the activities commit and non error transition is taken out?


Can JMS requestor activity send /receive messages on common queue?


Purpose of Break points?

Debug the code. Used for unit testing

SOAP protocol uses which of the following transport to guarantee message delivery?


 What are the required components while building a Web Service?

Abstract WSDL , Transport

Which file describes the input, output, and fault details of a service to the web service users?

Messages in wsdl

Advantage/Purpose of using SQL Direct activity?

Used for dynamic change of query at run time.

 Which activity used to add custom java code?

Java code activity

How can input text data be converted into a standard XSD format?

Parse data activity and data format activities

When a XSD is imported into another schema can the imported schema be edited?


In file poller which one allows you to start new process when a directory matching specification in file name is created?

Poll for create event

 What is the Global variable used for pointing the certificate location?


Is it advisable to store certificate in more than one GV?


How many file types are available in the Identity palette drop down?


What is the difference between Abstract and Concrete WSDL?
Concrete Wsdl = Abstract wsdl + Transport.

          Abstract Wsdl Contails  messages, portTypes, and operations
          Concrete WSDL defines messages, portTypes,operations, binding and service, you can invoked it from outside.
          Concrete wsdl is a client side .
         Abstract wsdl used in the server side.

For one way SSL is it necessary to check "Requires Client Authentication" checkbox in HTTP Connection?


There are 2 different databases, one is master table and other 2 is downstream table. JMS receiver will receive the message and it will update the message both the database and if any of the DB updating failed whole transaction will rollback. How you will achieve.?

Put all DB in XA transaction. An XA transaction involves a coordinating transaction manager, with one or more databases (or other resources, like JMS) all involved in a single global transaction.

If your project has 10 adapters and 10 processes how may minimum number of shared archives, process archives, and adapter archives you need to place    in an enterprise archive resource?

 1-shared archive, 1-process archive, and 10-adapter archives
Note: one adapter archive resource can hold only one adapter where as one process archive can hold many number of processes.

What is the resource used to create custom xpath function and state necessary conditions?

            i) Java custom function resource is used to create custom xpath functions.           
            ii) Methods should be public and static
            iii) Methods return type should not be void.
            iv) Method signature should not include any “throws <some-exception>”
            v) Method should not be overloaded.

You have one FTP server which is periodically going down and up.  Whenever your BW process is trying to put a file using FTPput activity; by the time if the server is down or if the network goes down then FTPput may throw an exception. Even though your FTPput is throwing an exception; I want to try up to specific number of attempts. What is the Group setting I need to place for FTPput activity?


How can you activate and de-activate a Starter Process or services at run-time?

 By using Engine Command Activity

When do you use if group and if condition on x-path?

       In If  Condition group only one condition will be success . If condition on xpath exectues all the true conditions.

I have a case that my starter process is interested in certain pattern. How can we achieve it?

 By using candite Key in the event Process.

I have a single http connection and how many services I can expose on web using Http Receiver, SOAP Event Source and service Palette?

Case 1:   single Http Reciver.
Case 2:  Multiple Service Agents  and Multiple Soap Event source.

I need to update a record in SQL Server and Oracle DB. If one fails then the tnx should rollback .how can we achieve it?

Use XA or JTA  Transaction

When do you use client Ack mode and Client ExplicitAckMode?

                              By holding Client ack to the end of the process, one will block that session. This means one will slow down the rate at which TIBCO BusinessWorks pulls messages from the JMS server, which will have to hold messages for a longer period of time.
                            With TIBCO Enterprise Message Service Explicit Ack, a single session is used to receive all messages. This mode allows for more efficient resource utilization, and provides more even load distribution across multiple engines.

If my receiver is only interested to take the MSgof currency Code=INR oncurrency Queue.  How to achieve this?

     JMS Application Properties.

I am getting a request in a soap header and Body. Body contains any element (Complex element) and I want to map my body any element to the structure schema. How to do it?

  By using Coersion in the process input of the activities.

What is the use of context resource? Why do we need it?

 Is used to store the header details of the soap request.

How can we accumulate the out put of more than one activity in a group?

 By using process varibles.

What is the difference between Generate error activity and catch activity?

Generate Error
         Used to handle  Know Exceptions
         Used to throught the error in user defined format.
         Stops the execution of the flow and through the error through parant process. Mostly used in sub process
Catch Activity
        Used to handle both Known and un Known exceptions.
        On error completest the flow of execution till end.
What is the use of FTP quote activity?

The FTP Quote activity sends an arbitrary FTP command to the FTP server. You can determine which FTP commands are supported by using the Available Commands button on the FTP Connection shared
configuration resource. FTP commands vary by operating system and by FTP version and configuration, so you should determine which commands are available on the remote server before using this activity.

Which activity will help you change the FTP default directory?


What is the difference between FTP delete file and Remove file activity?

The FTP Delete File activity issues an FTP delete or mdelete command to remove one or more files from the remote server.
The Remove File activity removes the specified file. This activity can also remove empty directories

What is the difference between file poller and File Adapters?

The File Poller process starter polls for files or directories with the given name and starts a process when the specified change (creation, modification, deletion) is detected.

The adapter provides a publication and subscription service. The publication service reads text files and publishes their contents. The subscription service subscribes to messages and writes their contents to a text file.

How does the wait-notify activity work?

  Basically wait and notify should share a common notification configuration which is just a schema definition for data that will be passed from notifier to waiter. Specific instances of waiter & notifier are corrrelated 
via a key.

Which mechanism can be used to pass data between aprocess instance and a called sub process other than mapping from/to thecallee's input/output ?

This can beaccomplished using job shared variables, unless in the call process activitythe 'Spawn' flag is enabled in which case the called sub process is a new joband hence gets a fresh copy of the job shared variable initialized as per itsconfiguration. A shared variable can overcome this limitation as it's scope isnot limited to one job.

What are the threescenarios where BW engine has to be configured with database persistenceinstead of Local File ?

The threescenarios are:
  • Shared Variables across BW engines.
  • Locking across groups in multiple BW engines.
  • Wait Notify across BW engines.
If you want a group to be executed if there is someunhandled error but subject to some max number of iterations which group do youuse ?

We can use Repeat on Error until true

When is a 'GenerateError' activity useful?

When you handlean error inside a called subprocess or group and want to rethrow the error tothe caller(happens by default if you dont handle the error in the calledprocess)

Which activity isused for detecting duplicate message processing?

CheckPointactivity - Specifythe uniqueID for the duplicate key field and engine maintains list of these keyfields. When a process come to checkpoint activity with the same value forduplicate key which already exists, it throws a DuplicateException. An errortransition can then handle this case.

Give an example where graceful migration of service fromone machine to another is not possible?

HTTP Receiver. Inthis case the receiver on new machine starts listening on the same port, butyou need to redirect requests from the old machine to the new one.

What are the types of adapter services ?

Types of adapterservices are :
  • Subscriber Service
  • Publisher Service
  • Request-Response Service
  • Request-Response Invocation Service
If the business process needs to invoke another webservice which resource do you use ?

SOAP requestreply activity. If the business process needs to be exposed as SOAP service useSOAP Event Source in conjunction with SOAP Send Reply or SOAP Send Fault.

What is thefunctionality of the Retrieve Resources resource?

It can be used to serve the wsdl file ofa SOAP Event Source to a (http) client.
Construct a process like: 
HTTPReceiver -> Retrieve Resources -> Send HTTP Response

Now the WSDL file for a SOAP service can be retreived using the http request

where 'path' is the folder path to the SOAP Event Source process and 'resourceName'is the name of the process

Example : http://purch:8877/Purchasing/GetPurchaseOrder?wsdl

 How to call Webservice from internet browser?

1. first take a pallet HTTP Receiver
2.Soap Request Reply
3.Send HTTP Response


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